You don’t have to Suffer from Stress

In this crazy era where progress is measured in nanoseconds and technology zooms ahead out of control, American nervousness is at its peak, and the demands on all of us seems unbearable. I am sure that your job is characterized by sudden unexpected changes and conflicting demands. There is little time for privacy or recovery from the constant onslaught of the string of activities that threaten to put so great a strain on our psycho physiological system.

The good news for Sarah who is trembling with fear, Bob who doesn’t know how he is going to face his boss, or Craig whose girlfriend just dumped him, is that although these difficulties point to a 10 on the stress scale, you don’t have to suffer from stress. In fact these unpleasant circumstances are a fact of life – they are inevitable – but stress is not. Stress can only come to you if you perceive that you cannot handle what life is throwing at you and then respond as if you are a victim.

Right now whatever you are going through, cease to regard yourself as a victim and rise above stress. Practice these 2 techniques. When feelings of anxiety and tension accompany the unpleasant situations in your life, stop and look inwards and see the grandeur and re- experience the magnitude of your own power and say and think these words, ” I can handle this” and focus on uncovering the best way to keep your physiological composure and do your best work

The second thing you should do is to change your physiology on the spot so that your response will be calm, and health-enhancing. Is it not nice that with the right training you can use ever adversity as a springboard to a better and happier life. Here is one way to change your response to stop stress from being a part of your daily experience. You tense all your muscles and focus on the feeling of tension while you take a big breath through your nose slowly and out through your mouth and feel the gentle transformation as tension drains out of your body. Keep practicing this skill and you will learn to turn stressful evenits and situations into opportunities to create a refined and integrated physiology capable of outstanding innovative work.


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